Historic Building Conservation

Cornwall has a rich concentration of historic buildings and a unique vernacular style. This has developed in part due to the peninsula location restricting overland transport of building materials, particularly prior to the advent of vehicular transport. Local Delabole slate roofs over granite or killas stone walls are commonplace and contribute to the character of Cornwall’s unique built environment. There are 12,664 listed buildings in Cornwall, which makes specialist local conservation knowledge of particular value.


Historic Building Consultant


Jon Ramage has gained extensive experience working in Cornwall with a wide range of grade II and II* listed buildings, as well as grade I listed churches. Our specialist conservation knowledge can be applied to help identify defects and prepare specifications for repair and upgrade of historic buildings. Jon is also happy to share his specialist building conservation knowledge and delivers a regular guest lecture to construction degree students at Plymouth University.


Repairs to Historic Buildings


Repair to historic buildings requires careful and sympathetic planning to ensure that historic fabric is not adversely affected. It is important that traditional building methods and materials are fully understood when specifying repairs to historic buildings. Sadly, more often than not, defects to historic buildings are caused by poorly thought through repairs using modern 20th century materials.


Listed Building Consent


Listed buildings are afforded a greater degree of statutory protection, to avoid unsympathetic alteration and demolition works causing damage to heritage assets. Planning consents for building works to listed buildings and buildings in conservation areas require specialist input. We are able to assist with this process by preparing and submitting listed building consent applications, and overseeing to completion. Specialist advice and submissions can also be provided where the building is located within a conservation area or World Heritage Site (WHS).


Heritage Impact Assessment


Heritage impact assessments are generally a requirement to accompany heritage applications, such as listed building consents or planning consents adjacent to listed buildings, conservation areas, World Heritage Site areas or occasionally where the works will affect a non-designated heritage asset. Preparing a successful heritage impact assessment requires a thorough understanding of the host building or site, so that the design process can be informed and any proposed alterations can be carefully considered and justified. Our conservation advice service can range from developing bespoke stand alone heritage impact assessments, to preparing full plans, specifications and submitting planning applications.


Want to discuss further?

If you have any  questions or concerns regarding historic buildings, we would be more than happy to discuss them with you.